WLF is a Strategic Partnership Project (Project Number: 2020-1-ES01-KA203-083282) funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union. WLF aims at fostering a positive Work-Life-Flow (WLF) in post-Corona legacy arising from remote working and social distancing. WLF refers to the dynamic equilibrium between an individual’s professional and social roles. The EU-Directive 2019/1158 (European Parliament and of the Council of 20 June 2019) on work-life balance and their concretization at national levels (e.g., in Spain The Royal Decree-Law 6/2019, of March 1) and the aim of the International Labour Organisation for ‘Decent Work’ (Article 7 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights) show relevance of WLF. Because of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, work and life is changing and becoming focused on remote work. This will change practices and boundaries of work and life.

Mastering a healthy WLF is a challenging key competence to maintain an effective work performance while increasing social, physical and mental health, including working parents and informal carers. A needs analysis of reports (Joint Research Council of EC) and trends in European policy on key competences and work-life balance discovered a skills gap.

Such non-cognitive skills are underdeveloped across the EU’s education systems but expected to grow in importance. Therefore, the projects’ competency-based approach to WLF, is key to foster individual well-being within current and future workforce. The WLF envisioned competences represent one of the eight key competences of life-long learning (“Personal, social and learning to learn”) identified by the Council of the European Union.